Mock-up and Progress Report

I have finalized my decision regarding the final project! I plan to create a piece incorporating a photo collection, broken mirrors, and tinfoil butterflies. The photos will be arranged in the shape of a river stream, symbolizing the flow of memories throughout life's journey. Between these images, I will strategically place broken mirror fragments, allowing viewers to reflect upon themselves as integral parts of my memories. Additionally, tinfoil butterflies, representing both caterpillars and pupae, will adorn the photos and mirrors, signifying the transformative growth experiences. At last, I want to put the broken mirror frame at the end, and let people help me draw a self-portrait, which is my “self-interest”. I'm always curious about how I look to others, so I wanted to share my experiences with my friends and ask them to draw me as well.

I really appreciate the feedback provided by my classmates on my project proposal presentation and blog post. Your comments have truly inspired me!


  1. I love how many different elements you're bringing in to construct a really specific experience for your viewers!


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