With the rise of social media and photo-sharing platforms, there is a tendency to view photography as a means of public expression, rather than as a private, personal experience. This can lead to a devaluation of the emotional and affective power of photography, which lies in its ability to capture and evoke intimate moments and emotions. It is also important to remember that it is not just a tool for public display, but also a means of private expression. By capturing and preserving personal memories and emotions, digital photography allows us to create a record of our inner lives that can be revisited and reflected upon in moments of solitude and introspection. Some private component in my project is absolutely my feeling and attitude, which are invisible. As I finish them and "upload" them on online media, they become public. Artwork is always created in private and becomes public after a moment. 

Barthes also suggests that music analysis and criticism often neglect the private aspects of music, reducing it to mere commodities for mass consumption. In order to truly understand the emotional and affective power of music, it is essential to acknowledge and appreciate its private and intimate nature. I think it is similar to my project. Photo works are also "published" on social media or some photo-sharing platform. As soon as they are uploaded to the internet, they become public, and everyone can have their own understanding and re-make that. Anyone who sees my project and wants to recreate or work on my work is possible. 

project update: 1. Have taken 50 photos (still choosing and taking). 2. Try to use AI to create some components in the photo (not really ideal). 


  1. I like your statement that artwork is created in private and becomes public after the fact. Creating an artwork is normally a individual, private component, but once it is released/published it is the audience's to engage with and interpret for themselves. Great job! I'm excited to see your photos.


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