Artist Talk: David Najib Kasir

There are always some math elements in the titles of David Najib Kasir's artworks. David Najib Kasir shared why he adds some math in his title. He thinks that can show where he comes from: Algebra comes from the Middle East. He thinks the cultural background is important for his artworks. It is a depiction of people in the Middle East, and shows how people live there. Also, he wants to remind people of the significance of culture. The math is not only in the titles, but also in the artwork. David Najib Kasir is an artist who incorporates mathematical concepts and principles into his artwork. His work often features geometric shapes, patterns, and symmetry, which are all elements of mathematical aesthetics. For example in the series "Fractured Geometry", David Najib Kasir explores the concept of fractals, which are geometric patterns that repeat at different scales.  

David Najib Kasir also includes some elements of war in his artwork, and the impact of war on human individuals and communities. I think his artwork is a critique of violence. "As you remember the buildings and lives lost, think about the buildings and innocent lives lost in the aftermath. " His artworks about the war always show the terrible aftermath of war. The upper of the painting is in dark and single color about the war, while the bottom part is a colorful basement with geometric fragments. This series of works shows a war-torn landscape, with rubble and debris scattered on the ground-an otherwise normal life shattered. The paintings allow the viewer to reflect on the toll that war takes on the environment and the people who live in it.


            Subtract Shelter/ Add Wolves                           Quotient Remainders In Bedrooms +                                                                                                 Decreased In Daughters (2021)                
