“Ours is a brand-new world of allatonceness. “Time” has ceased, “Space” has vanished." (McLuan, 63)
There are multiple versions of reality happening simultaneously, each with its own unique events and outcomes. It's like there are multiple timelines running alongside each other, each branching off in different directions based on the choices and actions taken in each.
As for the picture of different kinds of skys in the same sky we see, it could be interpreted as a representation of the diversity and complexity of our world. Despite being part of the same physical space, each person experiences their own unique perspective and reality, influenced by their individual thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Just like how different people can look up at the sky and see different things, there are infinite possibilities and interpretations for the world we live in.
Also, there's another picture I make up that can show different people having different ways to see the world. "The medium, or process, of our time—electric technology—is reshaping and restructuring patterns of social interdependence and every aspect of our personal life" (McLuhan, 8). Everyone has their own way(media) to see the world. In this picture. I invite some of my friends to go to the same place, and use their favorite method to record this moment and the scene. Then I highlight their favorite place in their "picture" and combine them into a big picture.
I really like them! SUPER cool concept!