“We can't shut out sound automatically. ” Sounds are everywhere in our life. I took a doing nothing class this term. I notice that I can hear lots of sounds even if I'm doing nothing. "We hear sounds from everywhere, without ever having to focus. Sounds come from "above," from "below," from in "front" of us, from "behind" us, from our "right," from our "left." Where a visual space is an organized continuum of a uniformed connected kind, the ear world is a world of simultaneous relationships" (McLuhan,111). Sounds are around us, and hard to escape and ignore. Even if you wear an earplug, there are still "tiny sounds" that you can hear. If you use a noise-canceling headphone, it uses some sounds to mask the original sounds. 

Sounds are everywhere around us, how about music? In my opinion, music is around us too. "These Bardic songs were rhythmically organized with great formal mastery into metrical patterns which insured that everyone was psychologically attuned to memorization and to easy recall. There was no ear illiteracy in pre-literate Greece"(McLuhan,113). The combination of some natural musical elements or the addition of rhyme can become music, so that music is also around us, and can be heard everywhere. I chose to record natural sounds as my EVERYTHING WE DO (IS MUSIC) SOUNDSCAPE project because I think the sounds around us every day can have different effects if we listen carefully. I also chose to record some sounds that happen naturally. In this music, can you hear the sound of the keyboard tapping or the sound of rain or other water flows? Do you feel the wind sounds like people chanting or instruments making sounds? Or have natural noises suddenly become loud, but you don't usually hear them at all?

I'm not a proficient musician or composer, so I'm very unsure if I'm making the right music. First, I did a repetitive simple melody on the piano because it made this feel like a base that I could then burn into someone's head. Then I added the sound of typing and the sound of rain that I had recorded earlier, which are somewhat similar and in continuity. At last, I also added the sound of the wind. I found that if I cut off the sound of the wind blowing, it becomes like the sound of a sand hammer.

Here is my soundscape
